International Committee to Save

the Archeological Sites of Pasargad




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Farsi version

Cyrus, you never died!


Speech by Kourosh Zaim at the tomb of Cyrus the Great

October 29, 2007  "the Cyrus day"

Cyrus! You have never died, for your spirit is alive within us.

Cyrus! We are ashamed before you, for we have many times in the past have let aliens in thought and heart and those without cultural identity to rule your land and to destroy our prominent cultural heritage and identity. We let the ignorant to rule us, so that untruth, deceit and corruption take the place of traditional truthfulness, honesty and brotherhood. And, that the traditional Iranian motto of good thought, good word and good deed be sacrificed in the struggle for survival.

We, who were the most loved in the world, became the most hated. We, who were the more advanced in the world of thought, knowledge and technology, became one of the most backward. We, who were one of the strongest, became the most downtrodden; and, we, who were one of the most affluent, became one of the poorest.

But, Cyrus! The shame we have brought on you will soon end. We will rid your God-blessed land of the dominance of anti Iranian non-culture. We will again, as you did, remove all religious discrimination so that all religions, sects and beliefs are free and respected all over the country. We will again make your land the cradle of thought, knowledge and technology, so that once again the light of Iranian wisdom shine all over the world.

We have gathered here today in order to declare this day of October 29, the National Day of Iran. The National Day of Iran, for on this day, Cyrus the Great, representing the Iranian wisdom and cultural identity, established a world order based on the ever-lasting Iranian wisdom. This was the day on which the first International Bill of Human Rights, 2000 years before Magna Karta of England, 2300 years before the Bill of Rights of France and 2500 years before the United Nations Universal Bill of Human Rights, was issued and brought hope of freedom, brotherhood and happiness to all people the world over.

We will celebrate this day of 29th October, every year, and we shall make it an international event as we have done with Nowrooz.

Cyrus taught us democracy, and we shall establish democracy in Iran.

Cyrus established the first bill of human rights and taught us equality and liberty, and we shall establish the Universal Bill of Human Rights in Iran.

Cyrus built the first order for world civilization, and we shall make Iran an indivisible part of the world community.

Cyrus established an order based on honesty and justice, and we shall cleanse our land of deceit, corruption and violence.

Do not fret the darkness of today, for the future of Iran is bright. And this brightness will soon shine over all Iranians and all over this God's country.

We must stay together, so no longer could the aliens and maniacs rule over us and lead us astray from being true Iranians.
