International Committee to Save

the Archeological Sites of Pasargad




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 28 اسفند   1386 (2546 سال پاسارگارد)  18 مارچ 2008*************************    کميته نجات پاسارگاد هيچ گونه وابستگی مذهبی و سياسي ندارد




Request for Intervention of UNESCO for Saving Hormoz-Ardeshir

           Site of Iranian Ancient Historical and Cultural Heritage


March 26, 2008

The Honorable Director-General

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.

Paris, France


Subj.: Request for Intervention for Saving Hormoz-Ardeshir

           Site of Iranian Ancient Historical and Cultural Heritage


Dear Sir,


We, the undersigned, Iranian citizens living in the southwestern provinces of Iran, hereby attract your attention to another major case of deliberate destruction of ancient Iranian historical and cultural heritage site with international stature.


The site being destroyed by the Islamic Republic is the ancient city of “Hormoz Ardeshir” dating back to the period of  2000 to 4000 years  ago, which was registered as an Iranian National Heritage site in 1931 under docket Number 43. This site, due to its international value, must be registered as a world heritage site with the UNESCO as well. A deed we shall demand be done, if it survives the Islamic Republic.


The government of the Islamic Republic is digging a tunnel through this invaluable site in order to run a city commuter train; whereas, there exists a more technically suitable and less costly route for this project. Many ancient structures and untold quantity of buried treasures and artifacts have been destroyed by bulldozers and pilferage. We fear that if the construction project is not stopped in time, there will be nothing left of this ancient city. There are so many underground structures and buried artifacts and treasures in this area, that it will take teams of archeologists, years to uncover and study the findings. Much of the historical secrets and unknowns about Iranian history and culture will then become knowledge.


Tens of letters of protest have been sent by the people of the area to the local and central government authorities and many meeting have been held, all to no avail. The project is proceeding with increased speed and the level of destruction is mounting. Since the people of Iran have been witness to unprecedented willful destruction of invaluable Iranian historical and cultural heritage all over the country by the Islamic Republic during the past three decades, we, the people of southwest Iran, determined to rescue and protect our national heritage, can no longer depend on the officials of the Islamic Republic. We are reaching out to UNESCO and request that international inspectors be sent to Iran in order to study the magnitude of the catastrophe. We also request that UNESCO demand of the Islamic Republic to stop immediately this project and reroute same to a more economicly feasible and technically suitable location.


Respectfully submitted,

Kourosh Zaim

On behalf of the residents of southwest Iran

(Tens of signatures attached)