International Committee to Save

the Archeological Sites of Pasargad




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  30 فروردين 1387    (2547 سال پاسارگارد)  18 آوريل  2008*************************    کميته نجات پاسارگاد هيچ گونه وابستگی مذهبی و سياسي ندارد





A press release for the world media organizations
On the
National Day of Persian Gulf

April 23, 2008

For immediate release

National Day of Persian Gulf


 International Committee to Save the Archeological Sites of Pasargad a non-profit, non-political entity, endorses the gathering of Iranian people worldwide to protest against any and all name changing of the Persian Gulf. Recently, Google Earth, arbitrarily, and without any consultation with the United Nations, added the fradulent name of “Arabian Gulf” to its authentic name, “the Persian Gulf” on their Google Earth search engine. International Committee to Save the Archeological Sites of Pasargad finds this to be outragous, unlawful, irresponsible and a violation of all historical and International laws .


ICSASP is also asking newspapers world-wide show their support and reflect this violation of the international law by Google Earth on their respective newspapers and news agencies all across the world.


On almost all maps printed before 1960, and in most modern international treaties, documents and maps, this body of water is known by the name "Persian Gulf", reflecting traditional usage since the Greek geographers Strabo and Ptolemy, and the geopolitical realities of the time with a powerful Persian Empire (Iran) comprising the whole northern coastline and a scattering of local emirates on the Arabian coast.


Despite numerous corespondences, Google Earth has yet to respond to Iranians’ concern over the faudulant name of “Arbian Gulf” and continues to disseminate false information on their Google Earth. It now appears to everyone that Google Earth has a hidden agenda and it is not receptive to the truth.


ICSASP is asking all Iranians to rise to the occasion and make a difference by massive peaceful force of protest on the National Day of Persian Gulf, which is on April 29, 2008 (10th day of Ordibehesht).  In solidarity with one another, demand, in the strongest possible terms, that immediate masures be taken to restore and keep the rightful name of the Persian Gulf to the waterway on Google Earth and delete any other arbitrary name.


ICSASP also recommends this massive demonsteration to be held in front of a major news building in their respective countries.


ICSASP also appreciates and supports the petition regarding this case and encourages everyone to sign this very important official document.


International Committee to Save the Archeological Sites of Pasargad



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