Report on the activities of local committees

On Cyrus and Human Rights Day


Upon the  invitation of the Pasargad Committee,  the Cyrus and Human Rights Day was celebrated in many of the cities around the world in an exciting manner. Almost all of the local committees' officers, together with their members and supporters, were gathering signatures in the streets of their cities and, as the night approached, many of them were involved in throwing small parties to celebrate the occasion. In some of the universities, Iranian professors and students had invited their colleagues for dinner or drink and explained the occasion and its significance for Iranian people who are proud to be the first nation in the ancient world to issue a declaration of Human Rights by their great king, Cyrus. Even inside of Iran, where such celebrations are difficult to observe, there were two open gatherings and many private parties. We have been receiving those signatures that have been gathered in such meetings.


From Friday night October 28 till now, when this report is being prepared (Sunday 6pm LA time), we have received 4432 signatures from local committees.


Thus, everything shows that the activities of the local committees are on the rise and this can be considered as a manifestation of the signatories' decision to continue their efforts to inform the world about the catastrophe that is approaching. We are decided to let the world know about the plight of Pasargad - our historical heritage that now belongs to the whole humanity.


We will report the latest developments and signatures to UNESCO and other relevant organizations early this week.

International Committee


Pictures from local committees will be posted here as they arrive