International Committee to Save the Archeological Sites of Pasargad
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برای ثبت شدن جهانی يلدای مهر و روشنايي با ما همراه شوید هفدهم دسامبر سال 2007،، بنیاد میراث پاسارگاد از یونسکو و سازمان های دیگر تقاضا کرده که برای به ثبت رساندن جهانی یلدا به ما کمک کنند. شما نیز مي توانيد متن انگليسي همراه را بوسيله فکس يا ايميل به موسساتي که در زیر این نامه هست بفرستيد. و از این تقاضا پشتیبانی کنید:
Letter to UNESCO, applying for the inclusion of “Yalda” into the Registrar of the World Heritage Organization
His Excellency, Mr. Koïchiro Matsuura Director-General United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Paris, France December 17th, 2007 Dear sir, RE: Proposing the inclusion of Yalda tradition and ceremonies into the World Cultural Heritage Registrar With reference to this Foundation’s letter of November 27, 2007 to you, concerning a suggestion put forward by the Iranian International Lawyers, and due to the fact that some states, including the Iranian Islamic Government, are negligent in preserving the physical and intangible cultural heritages of their nations and sometime facilitate the destruction of such heritages by intention, we would like, once more, to ask for your attention on this matter. It is an imperative part of the UNESCO’s duties to show more sensitivity towards the wishes of the nations rather than those of their states, making sure that nations would have their own representatives in UNESCO’s committees. Furthermore, we would like to attract your attention to the fact that IRI’s government has added to its negligence towards the preservation of Iranian heritages by implementing a degree of discrimination towards that part of the Iranian heritage that belongs to its pre-Islamic history. This discrimination has manifested itself in the process of nominating certain Iranian heritages for inclusion in the World Heritage Registrar. This government has also obstructed any attempt on the part of others to do so. To compensate for such intentional negligence, the Pasargad Heritage Foundation has decided to prepare a comprehensive file on certain Iranian heritages and produce the result of its investigations in the form of an application for the inclusion of a significant Iranian heritage in the World Heritage Registrar on an annual basis. We sincerely expect your conscience and that of other culture-loving people of Iran and the world not to permit the denial of such an important registration to an important part of humanity’s heritage on the basis of political, ideological and religious discrimination. It is upon the above premises that we are attaching a file that has been prepared on an intangible cultural heritage of Iran, called “Yalda.” This is one of the most ancient traditions, rites and rituals of the Iranian culture. We are well prepared and would be more than ready to provide you with any information that you may deem necessary for getting a full insight on this important matter. With our utmost regards Pasargad Heritage Foundation CC: Human Rights Organizations, World Heritage Organization, United Nations Headquarter
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