International Committee to Save

the Archeological Sites of Pasargad


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پيوند به صفحه اصلی


12 سپتامبر 2010

British Museum sends Cyrus's Cylinder to Iran

Against all objections by culture-loving people and intellectuals from all corners of the world, the authorities at British Museum decided to send Cyrus Cylinder to Iran and hand it over into the hands of destroyers of Cyrus's industrial city at Tang-e-Bolaghi who have repeatedly tried to flood his mausoleum.  

Pasargad Heritage Foundation had previously warned the BM authorities about the danger of such a careless action. In reply, the authorities had ensured the PHF that there is no immediate plans to send the Cylinder to Iran and if such an action becomes viable all precautions would be taken into account for its safety.

Nevertheless, it is evident that the responsibility of any harm inflicted on such an important and unique artifact would be on the parts of these authorities who all well aware of hostage-taking tactics of IRI, let alone its profound enmity towards the pre-Islamic history of Iran.

کميته بين المللی نجات پاسارگاد